
You ask me if I missed someone,
Or something, before?
Or in any other time in my life?
I did. You know I did.
We all did
But me more than most.
Friends I had and lost,
Lovers I found in the way,
Women I loved,
People I knew…
It happened to me, yes…
It is happening now.
Can’t you feel?
When you think of me,
When you see me…
By the unwritten words,
The unsent messages,
The relative quietness
Of my restless soul…
If time is what you need,
Let me wrap it up
In pink wrapping paper
With laces to go along.
(Silly me, I know)
If peace is what you need,
Let me open the doors
Of your inner temple
Where you can,
And will find me,
And you, the you
You don’t see in the mirror…
I have been me,
Here where you found me,
I have been waiting,
I have been thinking,
Taking my time,
Giving my time…
Nothing is lost,
Or will ever be.
Not now.
The needs are not the same
As they were before…
Emotions don’t rule
As much as they did.
We travel the same road,
But we drive different vehicles…
I have a fast car
Hermitically closed,
I don’t feel the wind,
The cold or the heat.
You drive a fast bike
And wear a light helmet,
You love the wind and the rain.
Nature soaks through your soul
And you feel alive.
I share that live with you,
In more ways than we think.
Whether we use it or not
We have a very private link
Into one another…
You can feel me
If you wish it.
Wish it and I will know.
You are unlike anyone I’ve known
And as unlikely as it may be
We are very similar in that regard.
You left, sometime ago,
To your own findings,
But don’t think for a moment
That I thought you left me.
Some experiences are yours
And yours alone.
I’ve been there,
I did that.
Your turn.

I wonder.
Is it me you are asking
What you ask?
Is it from me
You want the answers
You already know?
Truly I wonder.
Truly I know.

If you send thoughts
Into the wind…
The wind will come back
At you with the answers.
If you send questions
Into the wind…
Only questions the wind
Will bring back.

That’s what I do, you know?
I ask my questions in here.
I ask myself. Just ask.
A few years later
Something draws me back here
And the words, once written,
Read differently,
Are the answer I’m looking for.
It may be simplistic of me,
But works it only with me?
I know not.

Life is like a rubber band.
You stretch it as much as you can,
You can even go around the world,
One, twice, more even,
It stretches that long, yes,
But at a point it comes back
To the very beginning,
To the original size…
The recoil sometimes
Tears people apart…
Sometimes not…

But tell me, tell me silently
Into your own thoughts,
Is it me you are aiming at?

Silently, thoughtfully…


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